Colleague Benefits

As a Greencore colleague, there are several benefits available to you, these involve the following:
Pension Schemes – further information is stored on the company intranet and is available here. View the Company Pensions Booklet here. If you are wanting to make any changes to your pension, whether that’s to change your pension scheme or increase your pension contribution, this can be done using the Employee Request function in People XD. Don’t forget to complete the relevant forms below and attach these where relevant!
My Core Benefits – this is a flexible benefits hub available to all Greencore employees. Click here to view. The How to Register Guide will take you through how to get set up.
Life Assurance – Death in Service – All colleagues are covered at 2 x Annual Salary in the event of death. Colleagues who actively opt to join the Matching Section of the pension arrangement will be eligible for a higher level of cover of 4 x Annual Salary whilst they continue to pay matching contributions. Colleagues who are automatically enrolled into the pension plan in the AE section and stay there continue to be covered for 2 x Annual Salary. When joining Greencore, we request beneficiary information to determine who this should be paid to. You can update and re-submit this to us at any time using the Life Assurance Form.
Useful Contacts
Legal & General (Pension Queries) – (0)345 302 6360
Reward Gateway (My Core Benefits Queries) – (0)20 3780 1891 (UK) / +353 1800 800 666 (IRL)
Equiniti (Share Save Scheme Queries) – (0)371 384 2040